IJAIS now SCOPUS listed!
In March 2021 the International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies attained SCOPUS listing!
Read more about IJAIS now SCOPUS listed!The International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies publishes scholarship relevant to the Anglo-Indian experience that draws on current theory to understand that experience, interrogates literature and other types of media depicting Anglo-Indians, and engages with contemporary and historical issues for Anglo-Indians in India and the diaspora. We also welcome and encourage comparative scholarship which places the Anglo-Indian experience in dialogue with that of other social groups. Submissions are to be made by email to our Editorial Assistant who manages the blind review process: [email protected].
ISSN: 1327-1652
In March 2021 the International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies attained SCOPUS listing!
Read More Read more about IJAIS now SCOPUS listed!International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies / ISSN: 1327-1652 / A Scopus listed journal
Submissions are to be made by email to our journal administrator who manages the blind review process: [email protected].